Phil Haynes

Director of Farm Operations

Phil hails from Northern New Jersey and began farming in 2011 when he and his brother started a vegetable CSA in their hometown. While at Connecticut College, he majored in Anthropology and minored in Botany, interned with the livestock department at Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture, and worked on ranches and butcher shops in Australia while studying abroad. Phil also managed the Connecticut College campus garden and conducted an independent study that researched college garden initiatives across the US and their impact on student life and integration into course curriculum.

Lately, Phil has been focused on animal husbandry and completed tenures as a livestock manager at Stone Barns Center and Carversville Farm Foundation. At Carversville, he has gained experience growing large quantities of protein and eggs for donation to Philadelphia and Camden soup kitchens and food pantries. He was in charge of the farm's Pennsylvania Certified Organic poultry slaughterhouse and oversaw infrastructure projects for the farm's pasture-raised poultry and grass-fed beef operations. He coordinated weekly orders with the farm's donation partners to ensure they received the items and quantities necessary for weekly meal planning.