Ali Lucero

Portland, OR

"We are the Sacred Lands Alliance (SLA), a BIPOC trans/queer collective and residential land project rooted in Indigenous sovereignty through food, cultural practices and land stewardship. Our current cohort is a multi-generational group of Indigenous and Native LGBTQIA people representing six different sovereign nations. We identify as women, Two Spirits, queers, transgender people, and elders.

Our project is called Sihasin, so-named by our collective’s beloved Dine’ Matriarch War Eagle. Sihasin means hope. The Sihasin Project utilizes SLA’s diverse knowledge of skills and learned experiences to
steward and tend this land as we pursue our own healing. We do this through the growing and harvesting of traditional first foods (including the three sisters and camas) and tending the sacred spirits of ceremonial medicines like tobacco and non-white sages."

This grant supports new tools and materials to repair and fortify a yurt and sweat lodge, and to maintain the existing first foods gardens.